Short Books in Easy English for Adults

We write for immigrants whose first language is not English. Our books will help you learn English.

We write for English speakers who struggle with reading. Our books will help you read.

We write for caregivers to read to the elderly or memory-challenged. Our books may be read aloud in just a few sittings or even in one.

We write about adults for adults. We write about things that happen to adults. Most books in easy English are written for children. Many have dogs that talk or children doing magic. We do not write about children doing magic, nor about talking dogs. This is No Talking Dogs Press.

Our texts are short. Our language is simple. But our stories are complex.

-Arleen and Pam


23 Comments Add yours

  1. Mindy says:

    Pam, I didn’t realize you had this site up and running Great Job! What a wonderful mission. Best of luck. Mindy

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks, Mindy! Only up for a couple of days–with any content, that is! Just enjoyed the interview on your site with Larry Brooks.


  3. Polly Weissman says:

    It’s a wonderful idea & you are the people to make it wonderful.
    xo Polly

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sohaila.Mohammadi says:

    I went to the urban garden on thursday. It was very beautiful. The flower spun. I love flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sounds as if you enjoyed the visit.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. My Nguyen says:

    Last weekend I came in WASHINGTON PARK ARBORETUM. It’s very good for relaxing. I liked
    And I’ll be back.


    1. Enjoy on your next visit, too.


  6. Haiying says:

    Schmitz Preserve Park is a great partk. I found a fun place in West Seattle again. We are hiker and aspiring backpacker, so it is just the right place for us.


    1. It has steep trails.


  7. mulu says:

    the frye museum is really great please i love it i had great time with my family. xoxo


  8. Zamir Tovar says:

    Leo Sewell’s Junk Penguin at Pacific Place was really good and interesting to see! I like how all the details are together


    1. How many pieces do you think it took?


  9. Zamir says:

    I think took ten pieces


  10. Zamir says:

    I’m sorry I got confused when I answered, I really do not know how many pieces it took. I will go again.


    1. I loved your answer. I like to think about how an artist made her work.


  11. Regat.Mezengie says:

    There was a beautiful place .I love it. I really enjoyed.


    1. I am glad you did.


  12. Ed Carrasco Cortes says:

    The light rail station in Capitol Hill has very creative murals. They have multiple meanings and are beautiful to look at.


    1. I think they are funny as well.


  13. Good morning or afternoon as it is, first an apology for the delay, it was a good experience to spend an afternoon with the family in the park and walking was definitely a good experience.


    1. Seattle offers many beautiful parks for family walks.


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